I thought mummy swear never to bring me out alone again?? Okay, my mummy just likes to complain so much and don't trust a word she says.
Today, after my class mummy brought me back to the same place we went on Wednesday. I think mummy is in need for a breather - I promise mummy I'll be a good girl.
I did listen to mummy when mummy asked me to follow her. But after some time I still forget and walk where I want to go. Once, I was in this big store and I attempted to walk cross by going crawling under the hanging clothes - mummy stopped me and I cried. Well... I did listen to mummy but today I didn't say hello to all the aunties and uncles who stopped to play with me. Mummy said I'm a very proud girl today. I'm tired, mummy!
Some photos :
taken in BK

We went to the supermarket. Yay! That's my favourite place!! Although I am small but I'm so clever - I know what are apples and bananas and I don't care about other fruits. Supermarkets are my favourite place too coz' I can put my cheeks to the chillers. This time round, I stuck out my tongue only to have mummy stopping me (again) saying "it's dirty". My tongue is clean what?!
Mummy bought some bananas which I gladly carried for mummy.
Here's me helping mummy

I promise I'll be good so mummy can bring me out more often.Labels: Happy happy, Outings