Thursday, July 27, 2006

Week 30

Fetal Development:
Our little one is nearly three pounds already and growing like a weed.

The early lanugo is disappearing, the eyelids open and close, and the toenails are growing. The bone marrow is now responsible for red blood cell production.

Maternal Changes:
The best sleeping position for a pregnant woman is on her left side. Your aorta and vena cava are slightly to the right of the center of your back, so laying/sleeping on your left side as much as possible ensures an unobstructed blood flow to your organs and extremities. You may be having some trouble sleeping now. Try one of the many maternity pillows or full-body pillows on the market. Sleeping in a recliner chair might also help, especially when the heartburn gets nasty.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Week 29

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Fetal Development:
The baby's head is in proportion to the rest of the body. Fat continues to accumulate under the skin. The brain can control primitive breathing and body temperature control, and the eyes can move in the sockets. The baby is becoming sensitive to light, sound, taste and smell. Now, I wonder how experts know a baby can smell in utero?

Maternal Changes:
Do you feel like you've been pregnant forever? Are those discomforts of pregnancy getting to you? This is the time when itchy skin, shortness of breath, hemorrhoids, leg cramps, heartburn and indigestion and achy muscles takes a toll. What do you do? Remember that these annoyances are temporary. Focus on the positive aspects of pregnancy and check out our suggested reading below by Sherry L. M. Jimenez.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Week 28

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Fetal Development:
Our little miracle is growing and developing at an astonishing rate! Eyebrows and eyelashes are now present, and the hair on the head is growing. The eyelids open, and the eyes are completely formed. The body is getting plumper and rounder (weighs about 2 pounds) and is composed of around 2 to 3% body fat. Muscle tone is gradually improving. The lungs are capable of breathing air but if the baby is born now, it would struggle to properly breathe. Be sure to talk to your baby a lot because s/he can recognize your voice now!

Maternal Changes:
Welcome to the third trimester ~ the period of leg cramps, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, itchy skin, aches and pains, swelling, heartburn, indigestion and . . . your baby's arrival!

Your uterus is around 3 inches above your navel; average weight gain is between 17 and 24 pounds at this point. If you haven't had a glucose tolerance test yet to test for gestational diabetes, your care provider may order one this week.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

When I heard grandma is coming in......

I have been a very naughty girl all these while. Mummy's been trying to peek what's between my legs but I didn't want to show her.
Today, I heard the higher authority (grandma) is here. At first I refuse to open but then you got to obey the authority right? I opened my legs to show my grandma, in the hope that since she knows my gender will buy me more dresses.

Week 27

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Fetal Development:
During this week, the brain continues its rapid growth, and the lungs continue to grow. Eyelids begin to open, and the retinas begin to form. The baby will grow over 1/2 inch this week and will be about 1 1/3 feet long (from crown of head to the toes or 9.6 inches from crown to rump)!

Maternal Changes:
Congratulations! At the end of this week, you will have finished the second trimester already!
You may be experiencing some shortness of breath. Your uterus is close to your rib cage now, and your lungs may not be able to fully expand. Don't worry though. Your baby isn't lacking oxygen and your circulatory system is actually working more efficiently thanks to those pregnancy hormones that have caused you so much discomfort