Thursday, June 29, 2006

Week 26

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Fetal Development:
Your baby could weigh about two pounds now and be around 9 inches long (crown of the head to the rump). As the blood vessels in the lungs began last week, the air sacs in the lungs begin this week. The lungs begin to secrete surfactant which covers the inner lining of the air sacs which then allows the lungs to expand normally during breathing.

Besides the active lung growth, the brain kicks in with brain wave activity for the visual and auditory systems.

Maternal Changes:
Your uterus is about 2 1/2 inches above your belly button. If you feel your uterus suddenly tighten and then relax, don't panic. You're experiencing "Braxton Hicks" Contractions. These are normal, usually painless or feel similar to menstrual cramps and happen at irregular intervals. They are your body's way of practicing for the real thing and help to tone up your uterus for the tough job of labor.

Are you eating well? You need about 300 extra calories now. Make them count!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Week 25

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Fetal Development:
The structures of the spine - 33 rings, 150 joints and 1000 ligaments - begin to form. The blood vessels of the lungs are developing and the nostrils begin to open. Busy week!

Maternal Changes:
You may be feeling like a "Soccer Mom" now that your uterus is the size of a soccer ball. Your growing uterus places pressure on your back and pelvis and may cause periodic shooting pains in your lower back and legs. When you experience this, rest, change your position, take a warm bath or apply ice to the sore area.

Sixth Month
Preterm Labor Warning Signs:
Do you know the warning signs of preterm labor? The March of Dimes advises that you never ignore any of these symptoms:

* Menstrual-like cramps (constant or occasional)
* Low, dull backache (constant or occasional)
* Pelvic pressure (feels like the baby is pushing down)
* Abdominal cramping (with or without diarrhea)
* Increase or change in mucous vaginal discharge
* Uterine contractions every 10 minutes or more often (may be painless)

Be sure to discuss with your caregiver what you should do in the event you experience these warning signs before the 37th week of pregnancy.

Ideas for Dad:
Now is a good time to start thinking about your work schedule when your baby arrives. If you want to take a leave, check with your employer about your options. Your company may qualify for the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Most companies still do not pay for maternity/paternity leave, some do but do not announce that information unless you ask, while other companies have a whole range of benefits.

You may have other options available such as telecommuting (working from home), job sharing and/or flexible work schedules. Start your research now and do some soul-searching about how much time off you wish to have.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Picture of me

This is what I should look like in a 4D scan

But this is how I look

Mum's weight : 62.4kg

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Week 24

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Fetal Development:
The baby gains about 6 ounces this week as the body begins to fill out. This weight is in muscle, bone mass and the growing organs and tissues. The weight could top 1 1/3 pounds by the end of the week.

Maternal Changes:
Between weeks 24 and 28, your care provider may order a glucose tolerance test to determine if you have gestational diabetes. Your uterus is 1 1/2 to 2 inches above the navel.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

So, what's my name? Alethea or Aricia?

If only choosing a name is as easy as "eeny weeny miney mo..." But my parents felt that choosing a good name is important as it will be mine for life. Papa came back from work one day and suggested Aricia, while mummy had been going through the internet for my name. She thought Alethea is nice.
Aricia as written in greek : Αρεχια

Aricia closest translation into chinese
Alethea written in greek : Αλήθεια

Alethea as translated in chinese

Good to know : My sister's name ATHENA
Her name written in greek Αθηνα

Athena as translated in chinese

Week 23

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Fetal Development:
Your baby weighs about a pound now! The body is becoming better proportioned each day, and the bones of the middle ear begin to harden.

If born now, your baby has a chance for survival. Let's hope, however, that the baby stays put for several more weeks!

Maternal Changes:
Your baby still has room to move around so you're probably feeling kicks, jabs, flips and flops. You may even see your abdomen move. Your uterus is about 1 1/2 inches above your belly button.

If you're having some wild mood swings, don't fret. They're normal even if they don't feel normal. Try to be good to yourself when you're feeling blue.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Week 22

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Fetal Development:
The baby is probably close to a pound and very thin but very developed. The eyelids and eyebrows are now formed, and the brain begins rapid growth. If your baby is a boy, his testes have begun their descent from the pelvis to the scrotum.

Maternal Changes:
Your uterus is nearly an inch above your navel. You'll probably be gaining weight more steadily now as your baby continues to fill out. The extra weight may begin to take its toll on your back. Wear low heeled shoes (flat shoes can strain your back as much as high heeled shoes) and avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time. When you sit, use a footstool to raise your knees higher than your hips