Monday, January 29, 2007

I turned

I heard mummy scream just when I was trying out my new skills.. and she scared me!

I have been lying on my back for a long time, so decided today that I should try to lie on my tummy. I turned and turned, rocking myself so much that I almost fell asleep. Then I decided to give myself one hard turn and hey! I DID IT!! I heard mummy scream in excitement.

But.... I couldn't breathe (forgot to lift me head up) and wanted to ask mummy for help. She did and asked me to do it again, I tried a few more times but I was soon so tired that I fell asleep on the playmat. I will try it again next time.

Click here.1
Click here.2


Saturday, January 27, 2007

A happy baby

Daddy wanted to bring us out gai-gai today but mummy say the two of us (che-che and me) are not feeling well.. should rest at home first. Che-che is having a runny nose, and I caught the germies from her. So we're both on medication. Resting and ... bullying mummy.

We are still active, though I'm having a little runs (mummy said could be signs of my little tooth sprouting out. Yeh! Can bite people liao.)

Daddy, daddy....

Daddy.. how is it that daddy didn't hear me?

Since daddy ignored me, che-che came to play with me. She asked me to do some colouring

In the night, in my new car!


Friday, January 19, 2007

I'm 4 months old

I turn 4 months today, and I don't know why is it so special that daddy and mummy had to bring me out - and I can't eat outside food. Only sit down and see them eat....Picture (L to R)
: Mummy I can choose what I want to eat?

: Umm.....let me see
: Okay, I shall have the...........
: soup! Hey! My soup is here!

Picture (L to R)
: This is child mistreatment! I want to complain

: I'm getting so bored....
: A little bored coz' I get to see people walking around
: Fed up lah! Bring me out and don't let me eat. Wait till I grow big..... I'll make sure you all go broke!
Happy Happy baby

Yippee! My cake!! See how happy I am. Click for video
Then che-che and myself ate the chocolate bits. Yay! Next time I can fight with che-che. ''Quick, we must quickly finish it before mummy sees it.''
Athena:''hurry mei-mei! just put it inside your mouth!''
Aricia:''is the coast clear?''
Athena:''i think so. i haven't heard mummy's voice yet...''
Aunty Zet:''come i feed you.''
(all 3 heads stick together)
Hee! Hee!This is not cute but messy....
''huh?you mean mummy know already??''
Oh I get another treat? Chicky time. I like this so much. Click here. Then my silly sister wanted to eat the wet chicken. Daddy & mummy laughed at her.
I am lucky too coz' mummy had her birds nest today and I was given some. Ha! I'll have better food as compared to che-che. Should have complete it with abalone.
I was told that next time they will also buy me a small cake every 19th. Yay..more cakes


Dropping by..

Aunty Sophia, Aunty Jean and Aunty Caroline(carrying me)

I met some of mummy's ex-colleagues in the afternoon, when she went by to help them do the phone recording. So, the whole of Singapore (hahaha!) will hear her sweet voice - actually she got a very fierce voice especially when she start screaming at che-che.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

I'm a fast learner

Told ya! You never believed that a small baby like me can't do this, did you?

This is prove that I'm a fast learner.

And you know how Beethoven got famous? By slamming the keys. And I did just that! And when I got so engrossed in playing.... I played with my feet as well. Ah ha! That's what I call music.

Click here


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My first music lesson

My che-che was doing her music revision, and I didn't want to be left out so I joined in.

Click here to watch me

I really envy my che-che, she seems to be doing so many things and I can't. I can't wait to grow older to take up music lessons. Mummy is considering if she should let me learn the electone organ like che-che or let me take up a new musical instrument - violin.


17 weeks old

Your baby has a bigger tummy now, so she won't need to fill up as often. Four or five times a day will often do it, in fact, unless she's exclusively breastfed, in which case she'll still want to eat six to eight times a day.

Your baby may have doubled her birth weight by now, and she's still gaining, of course, despite her more mature eating schedule. (The content of your breast milk has also changed, with more fat and minerals to match your baby's nutritional needs.)

Don't expect maturity in her eating habits though: Your baby is easily distracted now, and feedings can become frustrating as she stops to watch a sibling or respond to an outside noise. You might try to minimize distractions by feeding her in a quiet, dimmed room.

By now, your baby can play with her hands and feet for a few minutes at a time. She's quite fond of doing one action over and over again until she's sure of the result. Then, she'll switch things up just a bit to see if the result is different.

Suddenly you realize it's strangely quiet in the bedroom and look in, only to discover that your baby, who so far has needed your attention for most of every waking moment, is amusing herself in her crib. You might be able to start reading the paper again — well, maybe just the headlines.


Music fills the air

Today mummy's rather busy on the computer, multi-tasking alot of things at the same time. And I was fussing around; wanting to be carried.

So what mummy did the next best thing was to carry me and dance with the music. And you should listen to the various kind of music that played. Mummy says music is good for me, and I don't have to listen to childrens' music but anything will do. I agree with her as I started laughing and "sang along" with the music. Umm... I wonder if she'll do this tomorrow again. I think I enjoy this better than my M&M'ments that mummy does for me.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Not left out

I have no idea where my mummy and che-che went to. But I was not left out when they came back and showed daddy what che-che got.

Why didn't I get anything? Why wasn't I invited? Mummy said I'm too small to go to a party. But it was alright I didn't have to be there to be given these, so I began sucking on it. Haha!!

Click on this

Che-che gave me a lollipop
Does it look like I'm holding a maracas? 2 lollis
Then later in the night, che-che put on her mask. and I was given this to wear too! Don't I look nicer than her?

So... conclusion I was not left out at all. Next time when I get invited to a party, I'm going to fight with all the boys over toys and sweets!


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

16 weeks old

Researchers believe that your baby can now understand all the basic sounds that make up his native language. Between this time and 6 months of age, your baby will develop the ability to make some vocal sounds, which means you may hear the words you've been dreaming about, namely "ma-ma" or "da-da." While child development experts say it's too early for your baby to connect those sounds with you and your partner, that won't make hearing them any less exciting.

You can encourage your baby's attempts at communication by mirroring or imitating his expressions and sounds. He may try to imitate you now, too. Say "baa" and he may try to say it back.

Reacting when your baby makes noises or tries to say something will help your baby learn the importance of language. It'll also help him better understand cause and effect. It's great for his self-esteem, too. He'll begin to realize that what he says makes a difference.

Expand on what your baby says and try to give it meaning. For example, you can say, "Yes, that is a ball!" Soon, his "ba" will become "ball."

For the first four to six months of life, your baby gets all the nutrients he needs from breast milk or formula. Still, parents are often eager to start their babies on solid food.

It's true that your baby's digestive tract is more developed now and his tongue-thrust reflex is starting to fade, so it seems a logical time to start feeding him some solids, such as pureed baby food or cereal. But there are good reasons to wait, too.

Starting solids later may cut down on possible allergic reactions, and ensures that breast milk or formula won't get crowded out of your baby's diet. And if you're hoping that eating solids will help your baby sleep through the night, studies have shown that you can't count on that happening.

The debate over when to start solids continues. If you're unsure about when to introduce them to your baby, talk to his doctor.


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Ma-ma's birthday

The whole family went out today to celebrate ma-ma's birthday. My che-che and me were dressed in pinks. Mummy put something on my head, which she said I was a good girl and didn't shake my head to make it drop (like what che-che did last time)

I had my milk when we reached there and somehow I fell asleep, without disturbing their lunch. Such a good girl I am!
After some time I thought I heard them singing and woke up in time for my cake


I talk too much??

Mummy says I've been talking way too much recently, even when I'm drinking milk. Wel......that's because I've got her genes that's why!

Click here

I was dressed in this light cotton dress today when I went gai-gai with mummy. And I was so happy that mummy took out her camera to take some photos of me.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I have grown

As usual, I'm always the happy and very smiley baby. I've also learnt the tricks to get into daddy's and mummy's good books.

I have grown to be more sensible and let mummy sleep longer hours. I no longer need any feed at 11 pm. Infact, I drink my last 80ml milk (very little) at 8+ or sometimes 9pm and promptly fell asleep. I dream about so many things every night that I only get up at 6+ or latest 7am when I'll start crying mad for my milk.

I am more excited about things around me now. I am still lying on my back, so when I see any thing fun going on around me, I turn to see. I can't wait till I can crawl and finally stand and walk.
So, in replacement, I talk alot. I talk when I'm drinking milk (only to have mummy scolding me "drink your milk, don't talk when you're eating!"), I talk when mummy asked me the same boring questions everyday "what did you do today? You drink; sleep and poo-poo? " I like the sound of poo-poo and always smile and laugh at it.
Then one day, mummy introduced the funny-looking friends on the musical mobile to me. She told me "This is Winnie the Pooh..." Immediately I followed her and said "poo poo..." She was all excited but actually I meant poo-poo.
I talk alot...........mummy felt that I should be a lawyer next time. But daddy said "No, be an Investment Banker next time."

Though I may be little.. I am very fierce. When daddy & Aunty Zet don't understand what I want and keep doing checks on me when I cry in the mornings. They were struggling and struggling.... what happened to my mummy?? *oh......mummy normally sleep in longer when she can, to replace the no-afternoon nap for herself.* Oh.. if only mummy is here, I wouldn't have cried so badly. Because mummy understands me, I don't cry that much infront of her.
Ok! Since they still didn't know what's wrong with me and kept fumbling about, I just had to show my temper every morning. I've been shouting at the top of my voice at them.


15 weeks old

When placed on her stomach, your baby will lift her head and shoulders high, using her arms for support. This mini push-up helps strengthen her muscles and gives her a better view of what's going on. She may even amaze you (and herself!) by rolling from her back to her front, or vice versa.

You can encourage this skill through play: Wiggle a toy next to the side she customarily rolls to in case she's interested enough to try again. Applaud her efforts and smile. She may need your reassurance since her new skill can be frightening.

By now, your baby may respond to your presence, your voice, and even your facial expressions by kicking and waving her arms. Your baby, who up to this point probably smiled at everyone she met, is also beginning to be picky about the company she keeps.

In large groups or with unfamiliar people, your baby may need time to get comfortable. Allow for transition time with strangers or when leaving her with a sitter.

When she's safely in your arms, though, she's likely to be interested in interacting with other people — especially noisy, boisterous children because they're more active, more amusing to a baby, and physically less imposing.
