Thursday, April 20, 2006

Week 16

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Fetal Development:

If you haven't already, you may begin to feel movement as the baby's bones harden. If you are somewhat overweight, have a thick uterus, and/or if this is your first pregnancy, you may not be feeling baby yet or feeling baby regularly. Don't panic! You will soon. The legs are now longer than the arms, and s/he is moving those arms and legs frequently, especially since there's still lots of room to move within the uterus.

Fingernails and toenails are growing too. In fact, some babies need their nails clipped right after birth!

Maternal Changes:
Do you have a stuffy nose or nosebleeds? As mentioned before, your blood volume increases 40% - 50%. This affects your estrogen levels which in turn swells your nasal membranes. This increased blood volume also causes your heart to work harder to support your pregnancy. This isn't a problem for a healthy heart.

Your ligaments continue to stretch, and you may be feeling achiness and pain in your abdomen. If you're planning to have an amniocentesis, it may be scheduled between 16 and 18 weeks.


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