Thursday, September 14, 2006

Week 37

Fetal Development:
Average size is around 6.5 pounds now! The baby practices breathing movements preparing for life outside the womb. His/her grasp becomes firm, and s/he will turn toward light.

Maternal Changes:
Vaginal discharge may be heavier now and will have more cervical mucous in it as your body prepares for labor. What position is your baby in? Is it head down or butt first? Whichever position your baby is in now is generally the way s/he will stay. If your baby is breech, you may need a cesarean or your care provider might recommend an external version in which your abdomen is manipulated in such a way that it turns head down. This is successful 60 to 70% of the time.

The baby could come at anytime. Is your hospital bag packed yet?


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