Saturday, January 28, 2006

The News!

Today mummy found out and confirmed with Dr Teoh that I have been sleeping in her nice cosy womb for the past few weeks.

The story goes like this :-
It was by chance the night before my elder sister, Athena asked mummy " where's baby baby?.... Yes! where's baby baby? mei mei di di? " Mummy decided to do a home pregnancy test and true enough she saw double line, however one of the line was a little lighter so she didn't want to raise high hopes..just in case she gets disappointed.
This afternoon at 12.03pm she called Dr Teoh's clinic to make an appointment after the CNY but Aunty Pek Lin told mummy that they are not packed before 3.30pm so it'll be better if she can go down.
Within an hour mummy reached the clinic.
Aunty Wee Chee did the scan with Dr Teoh looking on. And the words came out from Aunty's mouth " Yep! Confirmed pregnant! I see the sac." She turned the screen for mummy to see which mummy can't make up anything - she only sees a blob.
Mummy was smiling and teared because she tried to have me without success for 5 months.

Nevertheless nothing comes easy in this pregnancy and it's going to remain in that way for the next 35weeks. Because Dr Teoh said that mummy has hormonal imbalance he needs to run a blood test every week. And if necessary she will need to take an injection. Perhaps he didn't explain well but luckily mummy had read from somewhere about implanting well in the womb so she asked if it's Progesterone to help the womb keep the baby. Dr Teoh said yes.
I think mummy's going to have a slightly difficult pregnancy this time round. She will have to be a "resident" in Mount E every week, she will also have to watch what she eats. (Oh no! I don't get to enjoy nice food!!) And I dunno what went through my gila mummy's mind when she asked Dr Teoh if she can exercise now. I feel like knocking some sense into her, what the heck was she thinking about?!?! I gave her a hard kick... can she feel it?

Aunty Pek Lin drew out blood from mummy and then she was given Multico and Folic Acid (Yucks!).

The first to know the news:-
My maternal grandmother was the first to know the news when mummy went over Tampines to wait for che-che to finish school. However they have decided to keep it under secrecy until the first trimester is over- some chinese believe.

The second to know the news:-
Mummy broke the news to daddy in the night while daddy was helping to fold the clothes. " I saw Dr Teoh today.... and I am 5 weeks pregnant." Daddy's eyes were bigger (as if his eyes were not big enough) and said "pregnant?" I think it came as a surprise to daddy coz' of mummy's condition.
Mummy had explained to daddy that every pregnant women have to be cautious during the first 3 months (mummy had a threatened miscarriage with my che-che to which she was given the order by Dr Teoh to have complete bed rest - cannot move for 3 days)and that she will not carry heavy things. If sometimes she thinks she cannot handle the weight of the laundry pole she will wait for daddy to help hang it up. Daddy just listened on.... And she will have to do a blood test and take injection to prevent any unplanned miscarriage.
My che-che is kept in the dark, I have no idea when they will break the news to her.

I am so happy today too coz' finally I'm recognised by my mummy and daddy- it's lonely in here.


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