Aricia's life story
This is truly a life story that starts right from the beginning

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The last quarter of 2008
Been a busy time for mummy as she tried to cope between us and housework and du-shu this month.
On 6th October, I said goodbye to Aunty Zet. I thought I saw some tears in Aunty Zet's eyes...

8th October - trying to figure out how to fan myself with this.

It is during this month that I started a new school at Aunty Ros's house. It's every Tuesday and Thursday. So I was a real busy baby, having to attend school three times a week. I like Aunty Ros, she's such a nice lady. When she asked for a hug, I gave it to her readily. Every time I go back home, I ask mummy for "Aunty Ros" And that made mummy real jealous.
During the class, we get to sit down together for snacks. The aunties take turns to bring snacks for us. And I did mummy proud, especially when she saw me eating on my own. (I refuse to do so at home coz' I'm a Princess!!)

This is the month when Aunty Zet went back home. I wished Aunty Zet would come back sooner coz' I've been..... so tired when mummy had to bring me out every morning leaving me no time for some lazing around mornings.
Mummy caught me dozing on the floor a couple of times. Hahaha!

31st October - Halloween
This is so fun! Mummy promised us that she's going to bring us next year as well.
I'm a little witch this year.
I attracted alot of attention though.........

Been a busy time for mummy as she tried to cope between us and housework and du-shu this month.
On 6th October, I said goodbye to Aunty Zet. I thought I saw some tears in Aunty Zet's eyes...

It is during this month that I started a new school at Aunty Ros's house. It's every Tuesday and Thursday. So I was a real busy baby, having to attend school three times a week. I like Aunty Ros, she's such a nice lady. When she asked for a hug, I gave it to her readily. Every time I go back home, I ask mummy for "Aunty Ros" And that made mummy real jealous.
During the class, we get to sit down together for snacks. The aunties take turns to bring snacks for us. And I did mummy proud, especially when she saw me eating on my own. (I refuse to do so at home coz' I'm a Princess!!)

This is the month when Aunty Zet went back home. I wished Aunty Zet would come back sooner coz' I've been..... so tired when mummy had to bring me out every morning leaving me no time for some lazing around mornings.
Mummy caught me dozing on the floor a couple of times. Hahaha!
31st October - Halloween
This is so fun! Mummy promised us that she's going to bring us next year as well.
I'm a little witch this year.
I attracted alot of attention though.........

Mummy was looking at the place for che-che's birthday party (not fair!) and she brought me for a playtime too.

Aunty brought a cake for Javier. His birthday is tomorrow. I didn't dare to stand close to the candle but I did sing for Javier and sat down to eat the cake. Gulping down everything without mummy's help.

11th Nov - Another playdate for che-che's friends which I'm not involved (but just for the sake of conning everyone reading my blog) I'm in this picture. Not fair!!!
Mummy promised she'll organise playdates for my friends (who?) next time.
16th Nov - Went to Aunty Ros's house. I missed Aunty Ros so much. I played in the water with ShyAnne and che-che. So fun!
23rd Nov - It's che-che's birthday and the house seems so quiet. We left the house. Where did we go? We went to FnR to celebrate her birthday, when I went 2 weeks ago there weren't any balloons and today I saw balloons.
We waited for che-che's friends to come and then some of us went to the playarea. I went to my favourite rocking horse and played balls. I dare not climb up the tube. I was having fun in my lil' own way.
Then we were brought upstairs. The first game, I saw the che-ches and gor-gors seated in a circle and two of them running each time, I didn't understand the game and I wasn't asked to play along. Not fair! So I ran on my own into a tree house.
The next game, Aunty played music and everyone are in pairs and they have to run around the newspaper. When the music stop, they are suppose to jump on the newspaper. The trick is that everytime the paper will be folded into half and it gets smaller. I didn't have any partner so I danced by myself and stepped on the papers. Good! Nobody to fight with me.

More photos here :
25th - Another celebration for che-che?? Not fair!
I did what I had to do, sing for che-che.

Many interesting things happened, for example Christmas parties. You may like to read mummy's blog for that.
Some other photos for your viewing pleasure.
8th Dec - Trip to T3

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